Meanwhile, executives from the BP oil company will appear Tuesday before a congressional panel, where they will begin three days of questioning about their operation of the damaged oil well. 与此同时,英国石油公司高层星期二将在一个国会小组听证会上作证,开始接受为期三天有关受损油井操作的质询。
Inspection and maintenance shall be conducted once every five days to control the performance of elevator operation. 天为一个周期的巡回检查和维护,控制电梯运行质量。
Methods Compare the pre-operative nursing, post-operative nursing, operation time, time to get out of bed after surgery, days in hospital of Peritoneoscope with those of traditional operation. 方法对腹腔镜手术与开腹手术治疗输卵管妊娠的术前护理、术后护理、手术时间、术后开始下床活动时间、住院天数等方面进行对比分析。
After 7, 28 and 90 days of operation, vein grafts were harvested. 静脉移植后7、28和90d取出静脉桥。
Results After 3 days of operation, the BMP positive cells were found in the matrix of experimental group ⅰ. 结果术后3天,实验侧基质材料间存在BMP阳性细胞。
By the method of analysis of variance and task order redesign, the author introduced the method to confirm the application extension and length of days in hospital of the operation patients of lumbar vertebrae protrusion clinical. 通过方差分析、作业流程重组等途径,阐述了腰椎间盘突出手术患者临床路径实施范围和应设计住院时间的界定办法。
Postoperative factors including mechanical ventilation time, total volume of chest drainage 3 days after operation, and effect of medication after operation ( blockade, Ca2+ blockage, adrenoceptor agonists and digitalis) were analyzed to identify the predictors for postoperative Af. 术后因素包括:机械辅助通气时间、术后3日胸腔引流总量,以及术后用药的影响(β受体阻滞剂、Ca~(2+)拮抗剂、肾上腺素能受体激动剂及洋地黄类药物)。
FPG, plasma glucose two hours after glucose load ( 2hPG), urine ketone, hypoglycemia, days to use antibiotics, and days of operation wound healed were observed. 观察手术中血糖、手术后FPG、餐后2h血糖、尿酮体、低血糖反应、使用抗生素的天数,伤口愈合天数等。
Irreversible membrane fouling rate was higher at the beginning of filtration, declined gradually and reached a steady state after 9 days of operation. 不可逆污染速度初期快,然后逐渐减缓,第9d不可逆污染达到稳定。
Explore a Method to Confirm Application Extension and Length of Days of Clinical pathway of Operation Patients of Lumbar Vertebrae Protrusion 腰椎间盘突出手术患者临床路径实施范围和住院时间界定方法初探
Rersults: 1 case dead after 3 days of the operation, the mortality was 3. 31%. 结果:术后3d死亡1例,死亡率3.13%。
There were 19 deaths within 30 days of operation. The overall operative mortality rate was 3.0%, but it was 10.6% in 60s, 0.9% in 70s and no operative death occurred in the recent years. 术后30天内死亡19例,总手术死亡率为3.0%,其中六十年代为10.6%,七十年代0.9%,八十年代已无手术死亡。
Based on exposition of the differences of statistical methods for operation days of railroad ferry system and that for operation days of general freight terminal, rational statistical method for operation days of railroad ferry system is put forward. 论述铁路轮渡系统作业天数与一般货运码头作业天数的统计方法不同,提出较合理的铁路轮渡系统作业天数的统计方法。
Rats were killed and the kidneys were removed after ten days of the operation. 术后10天处死大鼠,取术侧肾组织。
CONCLUSIONS Nosocomial infection in patients with cerebrovascular diseases is related to ages, treatment days in hospital, disturbance of consciousness, invasive operation and use of antibiotic. 结论脑血管疾病发生医院感染与患者的年龄、住院天数、意识障碍、侵袭性操作及抗生素的使用有关。
The exchanger proved satisfactory with extremely low corrosion rate, 812~ 870 W/ ( m2-K) heat transfer coefficients and attractive economical benefits during 200 days of operation under two modes of acid flow arrangement. 在两种酸流程上经过200多天的运行,都取得了满意的结果,腐蚀极轻微,传热系数在812~870W/m~2·K,经济效益良好。
MRI examination was taken in 20 cases of mitral stenosis both 3 days before operation of PBMV and 3-7 days after operation of PBMV respectively. 20例患者接受二尖瓣球囊扩张术,分别于术前3天、术后3天~1周进行MRI检查;
22 eyes happened corneal edema in 1~ 7 days of the operation, but it were absorbed rapidly. 术后1~7天角膜轻中度水肿22只眼,并迅速吸收。
The calculated results show that the reactor consumes 139.6 kg of Pu and produces 110 kg of 233 U during 300 days of full power operation. 计算分析的结果表明:满功率运行300d内,可以消耗掉139.6kg的Pu,同时产生110kg的233U。
42 days of operation shows that the biofilm grows well and that the removing rate of COD is above 90% The stage one& stage two aerobic biological contact oxidation contribute most of the COD removal in the experimental process. 试验挂膜启动采用接种培驯法,通过42天的调试与运行,生物膜生长良好,COD去除率在90%以上,处理效果稳定。
Moreover, the enzyme stability was significantly improved, the immobilized enzyme maintained 72.6% initial activity after 30 days of continuous operation. 同时考察了固定化酶的稳定性、再生性。固定化酶连续拆分乙酰-DL-蛋氨酸30天,酶活降为最初的72.6%。
Slight facial nerve paralysis was found in only one case and completely disappeared after 10 days of the operation. 其中1例术后有轻度面神经麻痹,术后10天完全恢复。
There are no statistical differences in the urine volume, drainage volume, operation complications, the amount of the albumin and red blood cell product, days of hospitalization after operation between two groups. 两组术后的引流量,尿量、红细胞使用量和白蛋白使用量、平均住院天数无统计学差异。
The fourth part of "seven days chain hotel service innovation way and the countermeasures" through the analysis of the current situation of service innovation that the way and the countermeasures, tries to perfect the seven days of the hotel chain operation mode. 第四部分7天连锁酒店服务创新途径与对策通过对现状的分析得出服务创新的途径与对策,力图完善7天连锁酒店的经营模式。
Left ventricular SR of IVS and post wall decreased at 3 days, 1 month of post-operation and increased 3 months after operation while other walls increased after operation. 左室壁各节段收缩期和舒张期应变率除室间隔及后壁应变率术后3天、1月降低,术后3月增加外,其余均增强。